Our fair and balanced “news” / editorial / sensatiotorial system

30 May

Regardless of your political views on the subject matter this is what mass media news reporting has dumbed down to

Credit: Progressive Libertarianism

facebook underwriters give one story to them and another to you

22 May

Very interesting watch. If it’s true, then looks like the public experienced some real #socialboning. Thanks fb

Go deep not specific

14 May


What would happen if the entire world lost it electrical power? No lights, no computers, no social media? Yeah, pretty much. Imagine if we still communicated the same way we do in social media to those of us around us in this environment. I think we would realize how much some of our social media communications would sound so robotic, lack feeling and appear that you were talking past someone.

What if we flipped the way we communicate in with social media on it’s head. Imagine if you had no electricity and were forced to develop deep relationships with the people that you were talking with. Your conversations would probably be much longer and heartfelt. They would also take more time. What if that sentiment was applied to social media. Even if you were really brief in what you said but you had to really think about it before communicating… and you had to really know and understand the person(s) you were communicating with.

Check out this example when Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a deep meaningful story in 10 words or less. Here it is. It was put in the context of a classified ad:

For sale. Baby Shoes. Never worn.

There is some uncertainty about the authenticity of the events that went into the creation of this story but one could imagine the emotion and the circumstances the character that placed the ad went through.

When given a constraint, Hemingway chose to go deep and not specific. I believe the effect is really powerful and it not only translates to social media but, a conversion that one could have with someone. The emotion and the meaning are there. If Hemingway chose to go “specific” he might have wrote something like, “My baby died and I need to sell all the clothes.” Which way evokes more of response from you and makes you want to continue a conversation? Which has more mystery? Which could you enable someone to tell more of a story from?

The take home… When you use social media avoid #socialboning by writing like you are actually talking to someone, like you’re telling a story that someone can add on to and carry on to the next person.

Do you really want what I write to show up in your Facebook wall?

10 May

Thanks two my 2 new Facebook likes today. According to the social media company I meet today you are worth $500,000,000 in product sales. Bonus. I hope you enjoy the mayhem that’s going to appear on your wall now.


There’s something to be said for not saying anything

10 May

Today Rihana is in the hospital for over partying. Coincidentally, she has several projects launching. She takes the opportunity to post on twitter a picture from the hospital. Is nothing sacred anymore? If I’m sick I don’t want millions of people seeing a picture of me in the hospital.

There is no mystery to an artist in the age of social media. You literally know everything because they tell you. I was always fascinated by a band like Tool because there was a time when you couldn’t even see a halfway decent picture of them. All you heard were these folklore stories about them and the occult. There was a surprise to them and it really forced us to focus on their art and not them. They sell out the Garden and their albums hit number one. There’s something to be said for not saying anything. I wish we still had some of that left.

As Facebook goes so goes everything else?

8 May

For some reason Facebook is reminding me of good ol’ AOL. An earlier behemoth that fell to the change in time and technology. Facebook is one of those rare user gathering monsters that actually figured out how to make some money. But will it be enough? As it goes public it will have new set of masters and will it be able to maintain that innovative spirit? 900+ Mil users is a lot but won’t we eventually fatigue just like everything else and flee to the next platform. I’m already tired of it. I meet no one new and only want to hear and see the ramblings of people I actually know in real life. I used to use it so much more but I think I could live without it at this point.maybe that’s one of the reasons they bought instagram.

If facebook does go away at some point. What happens to all those brands and apps that depend on facebook for their survival? Do they go too?

This company socialbones the entire commerce space in Social Media

7 May

gumroad is making it easy for people to buy and sell via social media posts and it’s not some cheesy facebook store within facebook. They’re effectively shortening the number of pages and length of time that someone needs to traverse in order to by something. That’s key in social media where the attention span of people rivals that of a flea. Great job buy gumroad to address that social media problem. Excited to see what happens here.

Stay Hungry. Stay Dangerous.

7 May

Let me have men about me that are fat;
Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o’ nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.

-From William Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar”, Caesar, scene ii

If you’re going to be truly entrepreneurial within an existing system you’re going to be “dangerous” to others, intentionally or not, because you won’t be complacent with  standing still or accepting the way things are due to the limited perceptions of others. You’ll need to move forward regardless of the obstacles. To be entrepreneurial stay hungry and stay dangerous.


Billy Corgan Discusses #SocialBoning By Artists

1 May

If you can’t handle watching a 15 minute video and you can only survive on knowledge in 140 characters then I suggest you don’t watch this. Otherwise, Billy has a lot of experience and discusses some interesting topics making this worthy of #SocialBoning.

Finally an incentive to make sure you are more accurate with your urine stream

1 May

Yes, this is truly happening. The last vestige of solitude is no more.